John F Herr
4535 Red Rock Dr, Larkspur, CO, 80118
H 303-681-3147 Cell 303-870-4617
Last updated: Sept 2012

42 Years of Software Development

    Flex Builder 3/Flash 3.0,
Web Development,
various Databases, and
Windows NT/XP & Unix.

    Simplification of the complex,
Volume producer of faster running reliable code,
Intuitive GUIs, and
Creativity which yields unsolicited improvements.

Motto:          If it isn't impossible, I'm not interested.

Clearance:          SSBI/Poly -- (Single Source Background Investigation).
Last renewed 30 Jun 2006 (expires June 2011)

Employment History (recent first):
Retired October 2009
Lockheed Martin (employee) Jul 2001 - Oct 2009 (18 yrs total) (parttime consultant) Mar 2001 - Sep 2001 (employee) Oct 2000 - Dec 2000
Hall Kinion (consulting firm) May 2000 - Sep 2000
Romac (consulting firm) Aug 1999 - May 2000
Interim (consulting firm) Jul 1997 - Aug 1999
EDS (employee) May 1995 - Jun 1997
Greenbar (employee) Dec 1994 - Mar 1995
Berger & Co. (consulting firm) Jun 1994 - Dec 1994
Martin Marietta (employee) Mar 1984 - Jan 1994 (10 years)
Sperry Univac (employee) Jan 1974 - Mar 1984 (10 years)
Logicon (employee) May 1968 - Dec 1973 (5 years)

Flex/Flash, HTML/JavaScript, JSP/JavaBeans, Java & Swing, VC++, Cold Fusion, VB, Unix Shells, XML, Perl/AWK, Fortran, Algol, Cobol, SQL (Oracle, Sybase, & Progress), assemblers, and others.

Windows NT/XP, Unix (Sun Solaris, SGI, DEC Alpha), V77, IBM 360, Univac 1108, UYK-7, CP 642-B, PCs, Macintosh (Micros, Minis, & Mainframes).

1) At Home, since June 2009Purchased FlexBuilder 3/Flash 3.0. Studied, researched, and then implemented a game, which is now on theinternet.

2) Lockheed Martin, since July 2001Complex Client-Server delvelopment for Gov't contract. Learned Perl, Java, Java Swing, JMS. Created application server. Used JSP to create full service Trouble Reporting tool. Used SQL and stored proceduresunder Sybase RDBMS.

3) Natural, part-time, Mar to Sept 2001Maintained/modified/augmented their web-site (, using Cold Fusion, JavaScript, HTML, & Access DB. Simultaneously, I studied/practiced at home with Java /XML/DOM/SAX, JSP, JavaScript, JavaBeans,and HTML.

4) - 2 months (2000)Created initial front-end and back-end for new Web-site, using JSP, HTML, JavaScript, Java Beans, Oracle DB, using Tomcat . This included Login-in, Customer profiles, Product display, Shopping Cart, and Checkout. The Beans accessed Oracle and MS Access Databases.

5) At Home -- Developed in VC++:
a) Cue Sheet Writer, a program to assist dance choreographers. I have sold hundreds of copies via word-of-mouth only.
b) Festival Program Builder, which manages small to international-size dance conventions. It is being used every year by the National Square Dance Convention across the country.

6) Hall Kinion - Assigned to Adminiquest in Colo. Springs, 5 mos (2000)Adminiquest is a software service developer for insurance companies. In less than 3 weeks, learned HTML, JavaScript, JSP, Java (& Beans), and converted all of the core of the company’s product from a front-end (in VB) and back-end (in C++ DLLs), to a Web-based front-end with Java Beans back-end, while greatly simplifying the architecture to a small percentage of the original code, and improving the speed in spite of going to Java.

7) Romac - Assigned to MCI in Colo. Springs, 8 mos (99-00)Built Client/Server programs using socket IPC, on NT/Unix to utilize 3rd party Address Correction software.

8) Interim - Assigned to MCI in Colo. Springs/Denver, 2 yrs (97-99)
a) Developed a performance logging package for MCI’s main PC host application.
b) Researched Performance Analysis tools, and performed analysis on NT.
c) Converted OCIS-Updater (I/F program between Mainframe SQL Server DB and NT host applications) from OS2-environment to NT 4.0,using RogueWave class libraries.
d) Maintained/Streamlined 2 Back-end packages using Mult-Threading.
e) Also, added in new Registry messages.
f) Studied STL while implementing small updates to Circuitry Mgt Prog.

9) EDS, 2 yrs, (95-97)PDL Language developement (which is an extended C++ language) with associated Unix shell scripting. VC++ support & development. VB/VC Automation Servers. Developed an Automated Test System as testing engineer for GUI and C++ products.

10) GreenbarI was hired as a S/W Developer. There was no S/W to develop, so I did Systems Engineering for 3 months.

11) Berger & Co. (6 months):Built a complex integration package between ARC-INFO (GIS system) and PROGRESS (rdbms), using C, and PRO*C clone, on a DEC ULTRIX system, using some Unix shell scripting.

12) Martin Marietta Corp, 10 yrs, (84-94)
a) Held SBI/EBI/Top Secret during the last 6 yrs at MMC. In Customer Services, had full responsibility for the customer interface package on the NTB wide area Sun network, which included Unix shells, C, ORACLE SQL and SQL*FORMS, along with its Configuration Management.
b) Performed full life cycle development of a Data Reduction Post Processor (PP) using C, GUI in X-Motif, Bourne Shell, & AWK in a UNIX environment on a network of Sun workstations. Documentation was done in Framemaker.
c) Using Virtual Software Factory (VSF), automated Martin Marietta's CASE tool called Flow Method of Design. Due to my success, a significant effort was mounted to sell Corporate Management on the purchase of the very expensive VSF.
d) Managed a small team to produce/distribute Simulation Threat Tapes across the country, including Cost Account Management and Quality Control. Also performed Cost Accnt Mgt. and Subcontract Mgt. duties.
e) Managed and contributed to the Software Development Plan for National Test Bed at Falcon AF Base. Also wrote a preliminary software design for the Strategic Defense Initiative that was presented within the Pentagon and very favorably received.
f) Worked as Assistant S/W Dept. Chariman, assigning people to requisitions.
g) Worked on various real-time S/W development projects, coding in C, Fortran, & Pascal. Also worked on proposals.

13) UNIVAC 10 yrs & LOGICON, 6 yrs, (68-84)
a) Site-Manager at Mobil Oil. Became national expert on V77 Operating System. Worked hardware, software, installation, database, & sales support, Also worked as Mini-Computer Field Analyst, supporting Sales.
b) Coded & documented many segments of large-scale real-time systems for the Navy and USAF. Held Secret clearance.
c) Coded & documented simulations for the Navl War College and the on-board real time computer network systems under Navy contracts. Held Secret clearance.

Other Experience:
(Mostly Large Scale Aerospace C3 Systems):
- Developed various programs in C++ for commercial sales.

- Developed Architecture, Requirements & Design, Code & Test, Install, & Full Life Cycle DoD 2167A Documentation Standards
- Real-Time, Large-Scale, Multi-Module, & Mesage-Driven Systems.

- Commercial Operating Systems, Networked Sun Workstations, OS Internalist, Field Analyst, & Applications Programming

- Simulations, Graphics, User/Interface, Business, Education, & Customer Support

- Large Relational Database Design & Development, ORACLE SQL*FORMS, dBase III, Data Reduction, & Analytical Reporting

- State-of-the-art: GUI, CASE tools (Virtual Software Factory (VSF)), 3-D Graphics Animation, X-Motif, Framemaker, & PRO-90 Project

- High Volume Production, Cost Reduction, Reliable Software, Complexity Simplification, & Technical Writing

- Management: Project, Site, Personnel, & Liason - Management Trained: Cost Account Mngr, Planning, Subcontracts, & Configuration Mgt., with Strong Organizational Skills. Professionally supervised up to 12 people (Lepers), Non-professionally supervised up to 150 people.

- Deliveries Ahead of Schedule, Creative, Progressive, Focused, & with Interviewing Skills Also see Proposal Resume.
- Proposals: Acting Proposal Mngr., Volume Manager, Estimating & Text Production

- Consultant: To School Districts, CPA Firm, Insurance Company, Church Administration, and other businesses.

- I have written many programs that were over 10K lines of code. Many of the programs used my built-from-scratch relational databases.

- I have automated static and manual systems, such as: a) A Sonar Detecting System (static), b) Flow Charting (manual), c) Subcontracts (manual), d) administration systems (static/manual), e) a CASE tool (manual)

- In Subcontracts, I was the liason between all the technical task leads and 8 subcontract managers. I wrote Statements of Work, gave Subcontract Technical Direction, reviewed their monthly/quarterly reports, and evaluated performance of each subcontractor to upper management. I automated the job, ending up with responsibilities equivalent to 3.6 people. (I am always looking for a way to make my job easier and more efficient.)

- As Task Requirements Manager, I was the Cost Account Manager responsible for Configuration Management, production, and delivery of threat tapes to military agencies across the nation. I had a near perfect record over 3 years.

- I have worked on many proposals, which includes acting as the manager of a smaller proposal for 2 weeks. I was involved with text production, software estimating, and planning.

- Documentation: I was in charge of developing the original Software Development Plan and the original Software Development Library Implementation Plan for the National Test Bed.